Thursday, August 24, 2017

BNZ Financial Literacy Workshop!

This Wednesday, Room 20 got the awesome opportunity to take part in a workshop about financial literacy by BNZ! We learnt about various different things like: how to earn / spend / save money, the difference between needs and wants, what loans are, what interest is, and many other interesting things. Thank you to BNZ for taking time out to come and speak with us!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Week 5 - Be Resilient!

Our focus for the next two weeks is "Be Resilient! Being resilient means staying calm and positive, trying again even if you fail the first time, asking for help when needed, and encouraging your peers. Let's all work together and practice being resilient!

Week 4 - Award Winners!

Congratulations to award winners from Room 20 for Week 4! Ahmet was showing that he was being a persistent learner by trying his best in all aspects of learning and not stopping if he failed the first time. Great work Ahmet! A huge well done to Fiona and Charlotte for representing Owairaka School at the Interschool netball competition. You did us proud! 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Week 3 - Be Persistent!

Our focus for Weeks 3 and 4 is "Be Persistent"! Being persistent means having an "I Can"attitude, taking risks and trying new things, learning from our mistakes, asking for helping when you are stuck, taking action to improve, and to constantly try till you achieve!