Friday, September 15, 2017


Congratulations to Vaughn, Thurston, and AJ for representing Room 20 in the Kauri team speech finals. They showed great confidence and by delivering their speeches with great enthusiasm in front of all their peers. Vaughn educated us about the negative effects of chromebooks, AJ told us about how electronics affect our lives, and Thurston spoke about his native country of Niue. Well done boys! 

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Week 7 Focus - Be Caring!

Our focus at Owairaka School for weeks 7 and 8 will be "Be Caring". Being caring means looking after people, being gentle with plants, insects, and animals, looking after school resources, and caring for our environment! Let's work together to be caring!

Book Week Quiz!

As part of Book Week at Owairaka School, students from Room 20 got the awesome opportunity to participate in a Kahoot Quiz with other classes from the Kauri syndicate. It was a very entertaining quiz and also students showed their competitive spirits. Well done all students from Room 20 who took part! Well done!