Friday, June 1, 2018

Garden to Table Weeks 4 and 5!

In Week 4 for Garden to Table, the gardening team worked with Ms. G and team on harvesting and weighing kumaras! We learnt that kumaras sell for $9 a kilogram! The largest kumara we found was just over a kilogram. The kitchen team in Week 4 prepared a delicious Japanese lunch for us. The team prepared sushi, soy sauce, and salad for us. In Week 5, we had a Samoan themed Garden to Table! The gardening team completed various jobs around the school. We put soaked cardboard in the worm farms, trimmed our strawberry plants, and filled up bottles with worm tea. It was tiring work! The kitchen team got the privilege of working with Hamida and learning about traditional Samoan food. We found out that in Samoa the boys do all the cooking and serving for the families, while the ladies eat first. The main ingredients we used for our Samoan lunch were coconuts (which was used in shredded form, cream, and milk!), bananas, and taro (root and leaves).

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